Visiting Hours
OHPL has established strict visiting hours in order to provide the best environment for patients to recover from any ailment or procedure. Generally, patients rest and stability allows faster recuperation. Visiting hours in OHPL are:
Morning: 6:30am to 7:00am (30 Minutes)
Evening: 6.00pm to 7.00pm
The last 10 minutes of visiting hours will be allocated to children between 1 and 14 years of age and will be the responsibility of the accompanying adult. Please also note the maximum number of visitors for each patient as follows:
Single rooms | Four ( 4 ) |
Two Bed rooms | Two ( 2 ) |
Three Bed room | Two ( 2 ) |
Four Bed rooms | Two ( 2 ) |
HDU / ICU | Two ( 2 ) No longer than 10 minutes |

The Security Officer at the entrance to the ward will coordinate all visitors into the ward. Patients undertake to abide by the maximum visitor numbers outlined in the table above and not encourage visitors to stay in the Ward outside Visiting Hours. Exceptions are allowed where:
The patient is critically ill (spouse or one carer allowed) with the exception of HDU & CICU
The patient is under the age of 12 (one parent or guardian allowed)
The patient is a mother of a newborn baby (father allowed)
The patient is undergoing surgery outside normal visiting hours (one carer allowed for one hour before surgery and twenty minutes after) and the visitor is issued an After-Hours Visiting Card by the Nurse Manager. OHPL reserves the right to remove any visitors should they insist on staying in the Hospital outside the specified Visiting Hours without an After- Hours Visiting Card.
- Visiting hours are to be observed for General ICU admissions. No relatives are permitted to stay with patients during admission.
- A total of two visitors are permitted to visit ICU patients, where visitors are allowed in ICU one by one. Upon admission, the Patient or Guarantor must submit only two names of people that they allow to visit STRICTLY during visiting hours. This is purely for Infection Control and hygiene management reasons.
- All visitors are NOT permitted to bring their mobile devices when entering CICU or HDU.
- No outside food, fruits or beverages allowed in ICU.
- Strictly do not sit on beds.
- Visitors understands that if the Hospital at any time believes or suspects at any time, that there may be a weapon, illegal substance, alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs in their room or with their belongings, the Hospital may search the room and belongings and confiscate any of the above items that may be found and dispose of them as appropriate, including the delivery of any such item to the Fiji Police Force.
- Smoking and Alcohol consumption is prohibited in the premises
- Noise pollution is prohibited near or at the premises. Please be mindful to not honk your vehicle horns while driving through the hospital car park.
- The use of mobile phones to take pictures and videos is prohibited in the hospital premises to respect patients’ privacy.
- Hat and caps are not to be worn inside the hospital premises for security reasons
- Parking is available at the hospital premises